About ICAN

The International Cognitive Approaches Network (or ICAN) was incorporated as a not-for-profit organization in 2019 to expand on the work begun by The CO-OP Academy.
  • Our Vision

    From I can't to I CAN!

  • Our Mission

    To advance the development of the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) Approach and other cognitive approaches, to lead CO-OP knowledge translation, quality assurance and mentorship and to provide a forum for international networking among CO-OP researchers, trainers, practitioners and consumers. The ICAN also offers CO-OP courses and other relevant materials. 

  • Our Values

    The ICAN values international collaboration, sharing, quality,
    responsibility, egalitarianism, excellence, integrity and diversity.

  • ICAN’S President/Chair

    Noémi Cantin, Ph.D., erg., Professor, Département
    d’ergothérapie Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada)

  • ICAN’S Vice Chair

    Rose Martini, PhD, OT Reg.(Ont.), OT(C), Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Occupational Therapy Program, University of Ottawa (Canada)

  • ICAN’S Founding President

    Helene J. Polatajko, Professor Emeritus, Department of
    Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, University of Toronto (Canada)

  • ICAN Board Director

    Sara Israel, JD, OTR/L

    Visiting Clinical Instructor (she/her). Department of Occupational Therapy. Doyne Health Science Center, Room 327

  • ICAN Board Director

    Katie Krauseneck, MS, OTRL, CBIST-AP, Occupational Therapist and the Director of Clinical Services at Community Connections for Independent Living

  • ICAN Board Director

    ICAN Board Director

    Kenneth Mordi, MBA Marketing; Bpharm (Nigeria) (Canada)

  • ICAN Board Director

    Sabine Vinçon, Occupational Therapist, MSc OT, PhD student Queen Margaret University Edinburgh and University College Cork, Certified CO-OP Instructor, Regional Coordinator Germany"

  • Coordinating Committee (CC)

    Provides a visible and transparent mechanism for coordination and collaboration between the Board and the Committees of the Board.
    CC Chair: Noémi Cantin

  • Education and Certification Committee (ECC)

    Leads CO-OP knowledge translation (as it applies to education in the implementation of the CO-OP Approach) and quality assurance around CO-OP instruction.
    ECC Chair: Rose Martini

  • Governance, Operations and Finance Committee (GOFC)

    Undertakes activities which develop ICAN as an effective, efficient, and value-based corporation, with a solid financial foundation and effective governance.
    GOFC Chair: Noémi Cantin

  • Networking and Mentorship Committee (NMC)

    Provides direction for international networking and accelerating learning amongst the CO-OP community of instructors, consumers, wider public, researchers, practitioners and students.

    NMC Chair: Katie Krauseneck

  • Executive Director

    Janet Craik

  • Ernestine Da Silva

    Executive Administrator

    Ernestine Da Silva

  • Technical Support

    Tammy Craig

  • Deb Cameron, PhD, MEd, BScOT

    Vice Chair Research Trinidad, International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation

    ICAN Communications Committee Chair | CO-OP Approach Instructor